Patentketten, DIN 5279, Form B

aus reinem Messing, einer hochwertigen Kupfer-Zink-Legierung, blank, dekorativ, nichtrostend und antimagnetisch

Patentketten, DIN 5279, Form B
Patentketten, DIN 5279, Form B
Ø : 0,4mm l1 : 12mm l2 : 5mm WLL* : 7kg
Material / Oberfläche

Dieser Artikel findet häufigen Einsatz in folgenden Branchen:

  • Sanitärindustrie
  • Landmaschinenindustrie
  • Armaturenindustrie

Working Load Limit (WLL) or maximum workload, it should be noted that the specified WLL applies only under ideal conditions, such as new component, appropriate operating temperature, no sharp edges, no adverse environmental influences, etc.

Information about maximum workload is generally not binding.

The individual article needs to be checked for their purpose before use.